Saturday 1 March 2014

Update - 1 March 2014 : Job, Shopping and Life

Happy to report we are still loving being back in SA - there is nothing as grand as being able to say good morning to Table Mountain every day, whether it is a full view of it with clear skies or mysteriously hidden behind clouds!! Much like Ailsa Craig... Our new alarm clock is the the sounds of chirping crickets and melodious birds, and yes, the smell of braais still continue!!

My biggest news is that I have finally landed a job - starting Monday! Yikes!! It's not the dream job and is only temporary, but it's within walking distance from where we live at the moment and at least it is a foot in the door, not to mention a great opportunity to get my working confidence back!! While I will be slogging from 8 to 5 for the next 2 months, Garry will be the appointed house-hubby, collecting Cassey from school and supervising her homework. God help us all!! The only thing he is opposing doing is the ironing, but I'm happy to at least do that.

Our new tenants will also be moving into our house in Ardrossan next week, so for any neighbours reading this, please be sure to make them feel welcome!

Some other news is that we are slowly discovering more obscure items that you cannot find here - for one, sweet microwave popcorn!! This is something we had to get use to going to Scotland, as here salty is the norm, but having tried the sweet, and got ourselves hooked, we are really missing it for our movie nights! Unfortunately even my British Emporium shop says her stockist doesn't have it!! We have tried to make it ourselves, but just not the same! It seems strange as there are other flavours galore, like cheesy, fruit chutney, salt & vinegar and even apple and cinnamon but alas, no sweet, other than the caramel ones, which we find just too sweet! And speaking of sweet, anyone know how to convert wheat puffs into Honeysmacks, as that's another thing you cannot get here...

The other discovery is that we haven't managed to find Pepperoni here for our pizza nights either! Their frozen pizzas are a lot pricier than the UK, so we thought we'd start making them from scratch, but not only can we not find pepperoni, but strangely they don't even know what it is... Thankfully though, we are enjoying having our Russians and Boerewors sausages again!

Reading this back, I have to laugh, as a lot of our news always seems to revolve around food!! Ha!Ha! Cassey & I started our gratitude list in January and there always seems to be a great food/and or meal to be thankful for!! But as we don't say grace out loud, I am quite happy with that. Interestingly, we are finding a lot of the food and drinks here very intense in flavour - even the mouthwash! Must be the great South African air and weather...

Speaking of weather, the fierce winds (no, thankfully nothing like Ardrossan) and the scorching heat has prompted me to cut my hair short - still experimenting with the style, but when I'm happy with it, I'll post a pic so you can all see it for yourself.

Other great news is that our boxes will finally be arriving mid March, if all goes well!! We got a nasty shock of another invoice to pay for the Cargo tax, which we weren't expecting and if Customs decides to want to examine it and it's placed in a bonded warehouse, there will be more charges to pay, so praying for God's favour on this one!! The reason it has taken so long is that we opted for the groupage rate, so they have had to wait for other people going to Cape Town to fill up the container. Thankfully there is not too much we have drastically missed living without...

In saying that, receiving our 2 cubic meters of boxes into our flat is going to present quite a challenge of space allocation, but thankfully we have a storeroom for the overflow, and hopefully it won't be long before we move to a bigger place.

Cassey is still doing well in her new school and has successfully made lots of friends, even a boy who fancies her - Yikes!! She was even appointed as a Grade 1 class monitor which we are very proud of - supposedly practising to be a prefect! The school had their inter-house sports day on Wednesday and it was great to see kids being encouraged to compete competitively again and hearing them sing their familiar war-cry songs to cheer on their team and to win the spirit cup. It's difficult to explain but in comparing the two countries on this one, it is all about the winning - not just to do your best, but to be the best! Cassey survived her long distance, heats and shot-put events, but unfortunately wasn't placed for a medal. Still not sure how she was picked for those teams, but nevertheless. Fortunately she only had to run with the Under 11s and not the Under 12s, as is her class age. You may find this strange, but the kids had to take off their trainers to do their running events barefoot on the grass! I did also discover that the downfall of having a male teacher, is that they don't have the mothering touch to remind the kids to keep their caps on and drink plenty of water in the heat - it was 32deg!!! Fortunately mom was there to do this! (Incase you think that's a typo yes, it's MOM and not MUM here in SA - something I could never get use to in the UK) And speaking of which, I'll need to get use to celebrating Mothers day again in May instead of March!!

The other day I asked a sales guy for a pair of trainers instead of tekkies, so I guess there is still some word-training I need to get use to again... Even like calling a light thingie a globe instead of a bulb, and a stove instead of a hob, and a robot instead of a traffic-light!

Next week is an Assessment/Test Week at Cassey's school - so lots of studying required! I've enrolled Cassey on a Study Skill course which will teach her the most effective way of studying to remember - something to do with right brain training and creating pictures instead of just memorising words. I plan to email out the promo seminar notes, so if you want a copy, please make sure I have your email address.

My driving and parking is going well - The bigger car is feeling less like a tank and I am venturing out further these days and hopefully will one day make it to the motorways! In my defence though, driving here is nothing like Scotland, although sadly, they have also introduced many roundabouts here - South African's seem to drive much more aggressively, more impatiently and an orange light just means go faster and a red light means go even faster, so it does get quite hair-raising sometimes - even as a pedestrian!!

Speaking of driving, our applications for our new SA drivers-license cards was a breeze. I did panic towards the end of the eye-test though when I had to just guess them, but fortunately we passed and should receive them soon. Luckily we got to keep our UK ones, should we ever need them again. Unfortunately we have to redo this procedure every 5 years as that's how long they are valid for!!

The petrol price is going up to R13.33 a litre, which although is less than a £, is causing quite a stir here. Speaking of prices, we still find ourselves converting everything to £s and either being delighted when it's cheaper or disappointed when it's not. But I think overall, South Africa is still the cheapest, although the prices of many things have definitely sky-rocketed from 8 years ago. Shopping wise, Dischem, Checkers are Makro are strongly becoming our preferred shops - I only wish we had an Ikea!!

My one complaint is sadly the lack of friendly customer service - especially from the tellers! My goal these days is to try and be a spreader of joy to them and most times, I can usually get them to smile in the end!!

Church news, is that I am considering changing to a Baptist one which is even closer to us. The Cape Grace is still perfect, but sadly because they operate from a Clubhouse, they are often not able to have a morning service, due to the parking problems when there is an event on. They also don't have a mid-week Bible study that is suitably located in the area, whereas the Baptist one does. Still praying it through, but I will be taking Cassey this week to see what she thinks. The other plus is that the Baptist one also has both worship songs and hymns, but there is a lot more hand clapping and hand-raising, that to me usually indicates a more spirit led church. Sermon-wise, they are both bible based and challenging, so it is a difficult decision, but hopefully God will lead me to the right one.

Anyway friends and folks, I hope our wee update hasn't made you too jealous. Just think - some of you will soon be going into Summer while we will be starting our rainy Winter season! I am so looking forward to comparing our temperatures though Ha!Ha!

Au Revoir, Ciao & Totsiens
Love the Wallace Clan

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